09 January, 2015

First batch of Art

 Here is a ton of Art that I created, I plan on making more blogs like this.
Remember to leave a comment on what you think of this entry, even comment on just one if you like!

A cute picture of Raccoon Mario from Super Mario Bros. 3

Toad, a Goomba, and a Star!

A Creature taking a bath.

A woman meeting an Alligator.

An Ape.

A happy Kangaroo

A Kangaroo amused by the variety

Again, Kangaroo amused by the variety, but less variety for the colours.

A pretty Goat.

 A Dolphin distressed by a Ghost taking a Pumpkin.

Title Screen for a Game I am currently putting together.

Under the Sea~ I have plans to use this for something later. ;)

All right then, I hope you enjoyed all that art, if not, please leave a comment
telling me what was wrong with it.                                        ~~Thanks for viewing this.

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